Thursday, August 6, 2009


something special happened at work today
actually it nothing special
a girl came in with her dad today
her dad was looking for a pair if running shoes
so she wa left to walk ard and play alone
she saw this pair of really cute shoe
she went to her dad and asked for it
her dad was reluctant at first but after seeinh her 撒娇 abit he eventually gave in
so he asked me to get her size
but there was no more stock
only one size bigger
ecentually they bought it
the gal was so so so so happy
it was obvious that the shoe was slighty too big and not very comfortable
but the look on her face
her happiness
she was jumping for joy and stamping her feet cuz shes wearing the new shoe
make me really envious of children
just a pair if shoes could keep her happy for days
they are so easy to satisfy
wat abt us???
im going thru some relationship problem
my gf thinks im too sticky
i think she is too bo chup
i know she cares abt me
but she like her freedom more
wat should i do
i dun wanna play games like ignoring her or give her cold sholder
cuz wo shi zhen xin de
im really trying my best to make things work
she say she believe we can acheive that balance point together
but i dun really see her efforts
sometimes i ask, does she really like me?
i know she cares but care and like two different matter
why cant i be satisfied that she is together with me
isnt that enough??
why cant she appreciate that im changing for her and maybe she should give in too sometimes
not do thing cuz i wan her to but do from bottom of her heart and mean it
i dun take her for granted
but i feel she takes me for granted
or am i too anxious?
give her sometime to change?

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