Thursday, August 6, 2009

everything is fine

well... my tilte says it all
everythong is ok le
for the time beong???
dunno how long will the peace last
it wont be soon before long either one of us has a problem again
i really hope not
i love her


something special happened at work today
actually it nothing special
a girl came in with her dad today
her dad was looking for a pair if running shoes
so she wa left to walk ard and play alone
she saw this pair of really cute shoe
she went to her dad and asked for it
her dad was reluctant at first but after seeinh her 撒娇 abit he eventually gave in
so he asked me to get her size
but there was no more stock
only one size bigger
ecentually they bought it
the gal was so so so so happy
it was obvious that the shoe was slighty too big and not very comfortable
but the look on her face
her happiness
she was jumping for joy and stamping her feet cuz shes wearing the new shoe
make me really envious of children
just a pair if shoes could keep her happy for days
they are so easy to satisfy
wat abt us???
im going thru some relationship problem
my gf thinks im too sticky
i think she is too bo chup
i know she cares abt me
but she like her freedom more
wat should i do
i dun wanna play games like ignoring her or give her cold sholder
cuz wo shi zhen xin de
im really trying my best to make things work
she say she believe we can acheive that balance point together
but i dun really see her efforts
sometimes i ask, does she really like me?
i know she cares but care and like two different matter
why cant i be satisfied that she is together with me
isnt that enough??
why cant she appreciate that im changing for her and maybe she should give in too sometimes
not do thing cuz i wan her to but do from bottom of her heart and mean it
i dun take her for granted
but i feel she takes me for granted
or am i too anxious?
give her sometime to change?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


我在前 你在后
你在听 我在说
我不走 你不动
你不说 我不懂
你在想 为何我总是看着远方
你已知道 会有那么一天
这一切关于我们 关于不说
关于等待 关于守候
于是我们 不再开口

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunny day

Sun shines regardless how u feel
Down up happy sad
Rain falls regardless how u feel
At times it comes when u want it to
At times it nvr come when u are desperate for it

Am I prepared?

Monday, May 25, 2009



Tuesday, May 19, 2009


i duuno wat to say
lots of thing have changed
relations between people and people
new bonds forged
old one broken and forgotten
wadever lar...
passerby point of view...

dunno why i am holding on
hanging there
holding on by a thread

Friday, April 24, 2009

A sad smile

A crying heart
A tough front
Difficult decisions to be made
A short period of pain compared to a lifetime of suffering
Certain degree of self control

When u break will there be any chance of going back friends??
A sad smile
A simple bye and see you again can go a long way:-/

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a month

a month from the previous post
yet again here i am
kinda realised i havent talk to a lot of people
with attachment and "you-know-who" taking up all my time
not that i am unhappy with it
just kinda bother me
well... school starting soon...
actually kinda miss those idiots(you guys know who im taking abt)
see you guys soon i guess

is it wise for things to carry on like this?
i might be digging my own grave
like i always do. haha.
at times it feels like you know... there's something special
but den again it feels like a distance is kept for safety reasons
i dunno man...
awww... Damn!!!
this feeling sucks
SUPER XIN KU!!! hah.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Come and go (part 2)

People come
People leave
What is left when they have gone is a measure of how important they are to you
Are they memories sweet, happy, sad, disappointing or just plain nothing???
Im feeling a bit lost
What was my impact on your life??
Yeah you...
The one sitting in front of the com looking at my blog reading this???
Who am i to u?
An enemy? Friend? Buddy? Or just a plain accquiantance??
Regardless of who you are, please take care alright?

Come and go

People come people leave
When they leave all thats left is memories
Memories that may fade with time
Memories that will stick for life
Im feeling a bit lost right now
Need a little counsel
Somebody who can listen to what i have to say wholeheartedly
Somebody who might understand how i feel
Not those self proclaimed friends who cant really pay attention and start interrupting you with their own stories
Placing friends above self

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cert of death

Official time of death 3:50pm 25/02/2009
Cause/s of death: RC HRM FEB PSCM

Cert of death

Official time of death 3:50pm 25/02/2009
Cause/s of death: RC HRM FEB PSCM

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hrm die
Fm die
Rc die
Feb also die
Pscm should be also die
I might as well go die also???
Screw pscm T.T


There are a thousand and one way to capture a girl's heart
I've learnt the first one thousand way
Wat i didnt learn was the last and only way to yours
Will you be there when i need you
if i need you??

Saturday, February 14, 2009


happy valentine day

to all couples, hope ur relationship is smooth sailing and everlasting

to peeps who are still single, hope u meet the guys/girls of ur dreams
ur Mr./Mrs. Right

as for me
mug lar
exams is a few day away only
stop daydreaming

Friday, February 6, 2009


Here i am @ clementi ntcu pool. Buying toto. Haha. 没买没希望

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

: /


你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了

这世界笑了 于是你合群的一起笑了
当生存是规则 不是你的选择

Sunday, February 1, 2009


so wats now
u trying to turn things ard?
or is this another one?

pls take care
i dunno wat will happen if

Monday, January 26, 2009


things that were never said
things that can nvr be said
i dun really comprehend
why do people do things like that
so who's the clown now
please im begging you
grow up
stop hurting the people around you
you seen the most, heard the most
yet u dun act your age
just fucking grow up

Friday, January 23, 2009

lonely vs alone

it hit me all of a sudden
it just came from nowhere
surrounded by people yet
guess i should get used to it
the diff between alone and lonely
not gonna explain it much

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hmmm... Dedicated to gyver

For making me update

Thursday, January 8, 2009


fuck you
fucking grow up or should i say
Drop the bloody act

dinner with her was kinda nice
didnt have to think so much
just relax and enjoy the moment
It felt kinda diff from the rest??

again another time?

Sunday, January 4, 2009


there goes the switch
it's joker face on
game time
made a fool of myself
hoping to cover up
all the while listening for any news of you
im still joking
afraid of going home
i dunno how to pass it
laughing and crying at the same time
yet still wanna say im fine alone
when everyone have left and im alone
i felt close to dying
i cant take it
im still joking
but at the end the tears started falling
everyday after work feeling worn out and weak
i ask myself why, what for and for who?
im still joking
will it numb me?
singing for the whole night
cant avoid tear-inducing love songs
i joked for the whole night
hoping someone will mention how are you now

Saturday, January 3, 2009


people come people go
seen too much
i am always here
looking seeing waiting protecting

thanks huh dennis sim
make me paiseh in class only
i also dun why i tell him
maybe its becuz he's an adult?
only someone who has seen enough of life will be able to comprehend wat i mean without having to go thru it
maybe he dun really comprehend but at least he can try to understand
its really not something ppl of my age can comprehend without going thru it themselves.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

as i fall, i will get up

thanks for the words of courage
you bore the worst of all i met
yet u exhibit courage surpassing all other that i met
when ever im feeling down
i look towards you
seeing how u fight on strongly even when u are at your worst makes me feel useless
for giving up and admitting defeat so easily

even thought u dun know it
u are the best source of inspiration for me
ur words gave me courage to carry on
courage to fight thru this thick mess of my life
courage to put my heart back to where it should be

something i lacked
not in terms of daringness(i can watch a horror film alone no prob)
in terms of facing up to problems
in terms of facing up to my life
you stopped me from running away
from giving myself excuse to give up
from wasting my life away
i was never a God kind of person
not even now
yet i can understand what you are trying to portray
i believe in the words you say
maybe in another way but it serves the same purpose
I will strive on

i didnt get the chance to know you well
even thou we were classmates for a year

"the courage to say it's okay when you're down low and everyone else's sky high."
i barely did it. i did my best and put up a facade.
that's all i could manage at the moment
but i wouldnt give up
the day will come when i am alright once again


january first
the first day of 2009
i commemorate all the past with this last song
曹格-- 笑我笨
from today onwards, i will bear the burden, the weight,
even if i have to sacrifice my life to solve the problems

to this guy i know:
things that you do
i dun really agree or condone
there were times when i wanna step up and stop you
but i dun wanna look over-protective of someone who's not even mine
like who the hell am i
so i learn to turn blind and deaf to them
cuz its not my place to judge or comment
all i can say is please grow up dude
time to stop being an ass and learn respect.
my new year resolution?
im gonna be a bystander now on