Friday, December 12, 2008


in the end
i replied
out of courtesy i guess

this yr
i've changed
ppl've changed
my way of seeing things and doing things is different from the past
i have nothing else to say
some things are best left unsaid
and somethings
i just dun feel like saying.

welcome to the 18th yr
kinda regret replying
i dunno why also
maybe i just need some time
some time away from everything
and everybody

i am not that into twilight is becuz i have already read the book last year
in fact, i read the whole series already
i bet ppl wont be this interested if it wasnt made into a movie
another romantic love story
its a great read
and i felt this way be4 it was made into a movie
another book i think is interesting is the Pendragon series
tho its more for younger kids and there is no romantic love story in it,
i feel that it can teach things that even adults dun know

there is a difference between child-like and childish
and its important to know the difference

as a mark of becoming 18
im gonna tell u guys 8 stuff all of u dunno abt me( tho i know that no1 wants to know. haha)
  • I have always wanted either extreme long hair or extreme short hair. but i cant make up my mind, therefore, my hair is always in this state of messiness and middle length.
  • I am stupider than i look
  • I am too kapo therefore i know more things den i should know
  • I really like to msg and chat. of course, there are ppls and things i dun chat to or abt
  • I always know more than what i show or let on
  • It very easy to change my mind. all you gotta do is.............
  • I have a serious love-hate relationship with my phone( sometimes i just feel like throwing it away)
  • I really dun care abt occasions suchs as birthdays(including my own), Christmas or New Year

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