Wednesday, December 3, 2008

2 stories

realised that my previous two post too emo
so, to lighten or lessen the emoness,
i am gonna tell u a story or two

a guy who has been deprived of sleep for two days, is freaking tired and frustrated by the things going on around him decided to walk home instead of taking a bus home. he relished the walk, feeling that it help clear his head a bit and sort out his thought a bit. he walk past a park and on a spur of the moment, decided to go back to nature a bit, so he took the longer route thru the park. he wanted a getaway from the frustration in life and all the confusing things that is bothering him. he walks thru the park breathing the fresh air and enjoying the sound of nature, the sounds of birds and the rustling of trees. NOT!!! all he hear is the sounds of cars, buses and bikes cruising past on the road outside. every where he turn to he see the sign of human interventing with nature. he wonders, why does Man have to destroy everything nature have given to them and only to start regretting when nature have nothing else left to give and den try to protect nature when its already too late. well, at least we tried he reasoned. yet there is nothing we can do to make thing back to how it was.

morale of the story? dun take things for granted.

i am not some Mother Earth loving environmentalist.
just somebody who actually thought about what would happen in the not too near future
would the earth still survive? is there an End Of Days?

here's another story,
a boy at the age who 12 found out by accident that he was an adopted child. his thinking is consider matured for children his age but nevertheless, he was still a kid. he was lost at wat to do. worst of all, he found out that he came from the very country which he had depised since young. he was shocked and scared. scared that if his peer found out that he is from that country they would depise him too, like how he used to depise people from that country. he didnt know how to handle the situation yet he is matured enough not to confront his parents. so bit by bit, he confirmed the fact and came to his own conclusion on wat to do.

he also learnt the reasons to some of the treatment he had received from some of his relative. he now knows that the reason why some of his relative treat him like an outsider. yet, he felt no anger. he felt only relief and gratefulness. grateful to his parents for adopting him. bringing him out of that shit hole of a place. he started thinking, what the hell would have happened to me if i wasnt adopted? would i be given to some orphanage? or would i grow up to be a farmer or something along that line? would i even be able to receive a proper education? or even worse, would i even be able to live past 5 year old?

from that day onwards, he grew. he learnt how to put up a mask in front of his parents. to always show a happy face regardless how depressed he might feel. to always let his parent have their way even if they were wrong. he felt that all this is still not enough to pay his foster parents for wat they have done for him. he decided to stop relying on his foster parents the moment he have the ability to earn money, to feed himself. he almost never asked for anything extravagant and his prayers were simple, only for his family member to be happy. up till today, he have kept up the mask for almost 6 years and tried his very best to repay his debts and nvr let his parents worry about him. he had kept his silence and will carry on till the day his foster parent decide to tell him themselves or till the day they die. he is tired, extremely tired but he'll never give up.

this is a true story.
people out there, how would u feel and react if u were the boy.
to find out that u are not ur parents biological child can be quite a blow, moreover at the tender age of 12.
would u keep ur peace or would u have gone to confront ur parents?
cherish the people around you
it matter not who they once were or where they came from
if you were ever rude to ur parents, think about this:
they scold becuz they care
they bothered becuz they loved you
how would u feel if one day they just decided to ignore you?
let u do wat ever u wan?
sure... u'll feel great at first but slowly the emptiness will start to swallow you up.
you'll feel neglected and alone.
everyone need somebody who care and love them
and your parents would be the only one who love and care for u unconditionally,
regardless how u feel towards them
they might not show it in the most direct way
but they care, they really do
it really doesnt matter whether they are biological or not.
so now take this chance
tell your parent/s this the very next moment u see them:
dun take them for granted cuz u nvr know when they might leave you.

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