Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Finally thought things through and sorted out my thoughts. i am in an ultra clear state of mind. Feel that i matured quite a bit over the past few weeks. going thru the things that happened to me and learning so much stuff abt ppl, abt frens and abt maintaining a relationship. at least NO more sleepless nite:D

apologise here first for any inconvience that mighted be caused for wat i am gonna say

to gal 1:
i guess it was infatuation. u were there when i was at my weakest, we shared secrets, and u were there when i needed to find someone to replace her, to distract me from thinking abt her. it was a huge mistake.sorry for giving the wrong signals. really regreted it and it caused me to lose a fren in u. i will do my best to salvage this frenship.

to YOU:
giving up was my biggest regret. i should have given it my best so now that is what i am gonna do. i am very sure of wat i am doing and wat i am gonna do. no mixed feelings. i am past caring wat other ppl might say. i am gonna be super obvious ok. i am gonna go all out. use every single trick i have up my sleeve and in my books but some how these tricks cant seems to work when its you. lols. so i guess it back to basics. SINCERITY!!!! haha. i know u said there were no spark, no 'special feeling' but i am gonna do my best to create that special feeling. i am not giving up this time even if u have a bf. i am gonna keep waiting. just give me a chance. i am confident of giving u happiness. love ya.

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