Friday, November 14, 2008


read ths msg just now on the train home from work. feel that it really true yet hard to do.
heard two diff stories from diff parties(both stories unrelated) with the diff ending. only thing that is similar is that both ended on a bad note and succeed in making me lose confidence in love and friendships. i wonder sometimes whether is it possible for two person to have a pure and unblemished relationship, be it friends or lovers.

so to all those who have been hurt in the process of love.
this is to you:

love... love like u have never been hurt before
love... love like there is no tomorrow
love... love so that there will be no regrets
love come to those who never fear being hurt by love
love come to those who carry on loving despite being hurt
love would eventually come to those who dare to love

all the best on the expressway of love.

life is never fair.. you never know when u might have to go.. so cherish all those around you... before they leave you... dun let the person/people who are important to you brush past you by the shoulders and never come back... dun consider too much... dun think too much...

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